Este espaço é para ser compartilhado entre aqueles que acreditam que incluir é respeitar o outro e a si mesmo, contribuindo para a construção de uma sociedade justa e plena! "Este espacio es para ser compartido por quienes creen que incluir y respetar a otros o a así mismos, contribuye a construir una sociedad más justa y plena" Prof. Saulo C Silva

quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009

Tese de Doutorado


Deixo, abaixo, o abstract (e o link) de minha tese de doutorado para que conheçam a epsquisa que desenvolvi na busca das identidades sociais do aluno deficiente visual.

Um abraço



The construction of social identities of the visually impaired students when they are talking about textsSaulo César da SilvaLocation:
This research aims at investigating the construction of social identities of the visually impaired students when they are talking about texts, focusing three fundamental interrelated aspects which are: 1. How the visually impaired students see themselves; 2. Their interpretation of the way the society sees them; 3. How the visually impaired students see the sighted individuals.To collect the data, a reading group using the verbal protocol method was organized. According to Zanotto (1997), this method is a social-cognitive practice in which the readers share and negotiate the various readings. When these protocols were used, different social identities came up and could be identified through the analysis of the participants´positionings during the discoursive interaction process. This analysis is based on the positioning theory developed by Harré and Langenhove (1999). The different social identities built up by the visually impaired students, which could be identified in this analysis, are anchored in positive and negative evaluation. When the visually impaired students talk about themselves they evaluate themselves positively emphasizing their potencialities such as the capacity, autonomy and independence to accomplish daily tasks.On the other hand, when the visually impaired students interpret the way the society sees them, the former positive evaluation changes into a negative image related to the social stereotypes which contribute to build up their identity. They understand that the society sees them as incompetent and unable to accomplish the social tasks. Moreover, when they talk about the sighted individuals they also have a negative evaluation, since they see them as individuals who discriminate and who do not know their reality. The research concluded that that the social identities of the visual impaired students are built up from the positive and negative evaluations which are emphasized mainly by the social stereotypes that turn into serious learning problems in the reading classesPertenece a: BDTD Ibict

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